Visit of Gelong Thubten 19th – 22nd February

Visit of Gelong Thubten 19th – 22nd February

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Date(s) - 19/02/2014 - 22/02/2014
7:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin

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We are delighted to welcome Gelong Thubten back to Dublin for what we hope will be the first of many visits.

Thubten has been a monk since 1993 and in that time, as well as being the Secretary and Personal Assistant of Akong Rinpoche, he has also completed over 200 pairs of Nyung Neys, a Four Year Retreat and One Year Retreat on Arran. He has many years experience and is much in demand both in Dharma Centres as well as in companies, schools, hospitals, and prisons.

Teachings on ‘The Three Vehicles’

Tibetan Buddhism is the practice of the Three Vehicles and contains all of the Lord Buddha’s teachings.

These lectures will provide an introduction to the subject and is suitable for Buddhists and non-Buddhists, newcomers and those with more experience.

Wednesday 19th February 7:30pm – 9pm  Hinayana and the path of letting go

Thursday 20th February 7:30pm – 9pm  Mahayana and the path of compassion

Friday 21st February 7:30pm – 9pm  Vajrayana and the path of purity

Suggested donation for each evening €15


Meditation, Inner Peace and the Transformation of Stress

Saturday 22nd February 11am – 4:30pm

An opportunity to learn simple yet effective meditation techniques and their application in daily life. Subjects will include meditation and mindfulness, forgiveness and compassion.

This day course is suitable for anyone who wishes to benefit from meditation and all it can offer.

Suggested donation – €35 (includes simple vegetarian lunch)


**Note about donations – all courses are by donation and all are free to offer what they can afford if the suggested amount is a genuine obstacle




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