Visit of Khenpo Damcho Dawa Rinpoche – update, visit cancelled

Visit of Khenpo Damcho Dawa Rinpoche – update, visit cancelled

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Date(s) - 14/06/2019 - 18/06/2019
12:00 am

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin


Dear Friends,

KDDR TIBET FLOWERS 2017We are very sad to announce that due to many obstacles this year, it has not be possible to arrange a visa for Rinpoche in time to visit Europe, including Dublin in 2019. Since his first brief visit in 2012, followed by two further visits so far in 2017 and 2018, Rinpoche has forged a very strong connection with our community in Dublin, giving wonderful teachings that have touched us by both their depth and their simplicity.

So although he is unable to come this year, we remain hopeful that next year we will once again receive him in Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin. We wish him continued good health and success in his many projects, and also send best wishes to his translator Katia Holmes, who does such an amazing job at helping him transmit his teachings.

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