Visit of Khenpo Damcho Dawa Rinpoche

Visit of Khenpo Damcho Dawa Rinpoche

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Date(s) - 02/06/2017 - 06/06/2017
All Day

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin


Dear Friends,

We are privileged to announce the visit of Khenpo Damcho Dawa Rinpoche to Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin, Friday 2nd June to Monday 5th June. This will be the second visit to Dublin of this renowned and much sought-after teacher in the Kagyu Lineage. During his first brief visit in 2012, Rinpoche made great connection with the Irish sangha, and this visit will further increase the links between teacher and students. This is a wonderful opportunity to access these key teachings of our lineage, and be in the presence of such an important teacher, and we are delighted that Rinpoche has accepted the invitation to visit Ireland once again.

***Most Excellent News! Rinpoche has been granted his visa so will be coming to Ireland this June. Book your space now!***

Teaching Times as follows:

Friday 2nd June 7.30pm

Saturday 3rd June 10.30am – 4.30pm

Sunday 4th June 10.30am – 4.30pm

****Monday 5th June 7.30pm Please note that this session has moved to Tuesday 6th June 7.30pm

Suggested donation €12 per evening, €35 per day (includes simple vegetarian lunch – we regret that we cannot cater for special diets). Donations go towards the considerable cost of bringing Rinpoche to Dublin, and also providing a translator for Rinpoche. KSDD is entirely run by volunteers.

Teachings will be in Tibetan with translation into English                         


Gampopa, disciple of Milarepa and guru of the 1st Karmapa, was at the origin of our Kagyu lineages. His brilliant teachings make clear the Buddha’s intention.

Khenpo Damchö Dawa Rinpoché will base his teachings on a rich Collection of Instructions given by Gampopa to his disciples on key practice topics.

How to understand the complex vastness of karma, cause and effect, which is the motor force of existence? How can this bondage to samsara be turned into a way to gain freedom from it? Did you ever wonder why we experience problems and suffering, even though we may lead an ethical life and care for others, whereas some people who commit bad deeds seem to live nicely and have no difficulties?

What is needed to follow the path to liberation? What are the means to develop loving kindness and compassion; how can they be made into an integral part of our being? Why is it not enough to simply have those qualities, what else is required? How does understanding causality and interdependence help to develop bodhicitta?

Gampopa’s advice is luminous and directly relevant to practice. Whether these topics are familiar to you or quite new, you may feel that a light has just been switched on in your mind, opening new dimensions to your understanding.

KDDRKhenpo Damcho Dawa Rinpoche is a highly respected lama, teacher and publisher. He has served to preserve ancient wisdom, to bring various traditions together and to directly assist those in greatest need.

Khenpo Rinpoche was born to a herdsman family in Juela village of Nangchen County, Eastern Tibetan Area of China. He was ordained as a Buddhist monk in 1980 when he was 13. He then received a traditional Tibetan Buddhist education, studied extensively, and received practice instruction from some of the greatest Buddhist masters.

He spent five years studying at a Shedra and attained the title of Khenpo, equivalent to a professor of Buddhist studies. In 1995, with the strong support of the President of ROKPA International, Dr Akong Tulku Rinpoche, and at the request of Dzongtshod Rinpoche, he established a new Shedra in the town of Yushu, close to the area where he grew up.

Since the establishment of this Shedra, he has been the leading Khenpo in charge of all teaching, practice supervision and administration. This particular Shedra is unique in two respects: Firstly, it is predominantly reserved for Tulkus (those recognised as reincarnate lamas). They are highly respected in the Tibetan tradition, and ensuring their full education is of great importance. Secondly, this Shedra has monks from all four of the major sects of Tibetan Buddhism living and studying together. Such revolutionary practice is very rare and has brought Rinpoche a great deal of respect.

Khenpo Rinpoche has also made a lot of effort to preserve endangered Buddhist traditions. He continues to teach throughout China on both philosophical and practical aspects of Tibetan Buddhism. Through compiling and collecting scriptures that were almost entirely destroyed, he has managed to publish some long lost texts which are of key importance to Buddhist scholars. Some valuable texts have also been translated into Chinese in order to help a growing number of Chinese students.

Rinpoche’s work is not limited to Buddhist practice and study. He is renowned for providing humanitarian assistance in his local area. In 1999 he founded Chola Xiang Orphanage School for orphans and poor children in his home town where access to basic education is very limited. The school now has almost one hundred and eighty students. Several high-achievers have been subsidised to continue their studies in the city. Furthermore, the recent devastating earthquake which hit Yushu has severely damaged much of the surrounding area and led to great loss of life. Rinpoche has been very active in raising funds for the survivors, providing basic supplies, and performing prayer rituals for the deceased.

In the recent years, Khenpo Rinpoche has been invited by ROKPA International to give regular teachings on Buddhist Philosophy, texts and practice in the UK and Europe. His visits have brought mutual learning, understanding and great benefit to all.

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