Virtual Schedule during Centre Closure

Virtual Schedule during Centre Closure

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Date(s) - 23/03/2020 - 17/05/2020
12:00 am


om mani peme hung

Dear Friends,

These are very strange and challenging times that we are living through. The Centre may be physically closed , but we are looking for ways to bring the Centre to you, so that you can find some moments of calm and compassion.

Our umzi has devised a schedule for the next five weeks and has very kindly offered to host sessions via our Facebook page, on Facebook Live from his home shrine, which has temporarily become the KSDD Annex, so that you may also use this time for practice. If you are on Facebook you can like our page so that you can follow the retreat – Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin, Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre @buddhismdublin . You can switch on notifications to know when we go Live. Unfortunately we are unable to broadcast via our YouTube channel as planned due to technical difficulties.

The schedule can be found below. You can do as little or as much of the retreat as you like – we hope that the technology and signal will be up to it! Please bear with us as we do our best – apologies in advance for potential glitches, neighbours cutting grass, children on trampolines etc…….Wishing you all a fruitful time which the circumstances have provided!

8am White Tara Puja
8:45am Green Tara Puja
10:30am Medicine Buddha

12pm Shinay Meditation (30 mins)
4pm Gong Meditation (45 mins)
5:15pm Shinay Meditation (30 mins)
6:30pm Chenrezi Puja

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