Summer Morning Yoga Intensive

Summer Morning Yoga Intensive

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Date(s) - 14/08/2017 - 18/08/2017
7:00 am - 8:15 am

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin


Would you like to salute the sun in ‘real time’? Get ready to meet the day and bring on all life has to offer. We are delighted to offer a week-long early morning Yoga intensive in KSD Dublin during August. If you like to take advantage of this intensive week you can book your place now!

Classes at 7am – 8.15am, Monday 14th August to Friday 18th August inclusive. €60 (€45 unwaged)

Places are limited so please book early – by email before Tuesday 25th July or by phone 089 475 3315 after 25th July.

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