A Year of Mindfulness, 2015, with the Mindfulness Association

A Year of Mindfulness, 2015, with the Mindfulness Association

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Date(s) - 21/03/2015 - 22/03/2015
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin


Overview of the year’s training: This year long personal experiential training in mindfulness involves four (non residential) weekends together with opportunities to attend monthly practice sessions and regular silent practice days which support a deepening of personal practice.  Further support is offered through opportunities for individual practice reviews with tutors and a low cost membership of the online Sangha, The Present Place, for six months where teaching videos and other guided practices are easily accessed.  A strong emphasis is placed on experiential learning. Participants are supported to develop a daily practice through a comprehensive step by step and graduated approach, learning both the techniques in developing mindful awareness and learning about the cultivation of a compassionate and kind attitude. The programme is suitable both for beginners and for those who have attended previous training and wish to deepen their practice within this year-long training structure.

Weekend 1: Introductory Mindfulness Practitioner Foundation Course: March 21 and 22

This course includes an exploration of the foundations of Mindfulness and is suitable both for beginners and also for those who wish to extend and deepen their practice. We learn in a graduated process how to rest in the present moment getting used to disengaging from our habits of compulsive thinking and doing and reacting. We simultaneously work with developing the ground of kindness as a basis for self compassion. This weekend can be attended as a ‘stand-alone’ weekend without a commitment to continuing.

Weekends 2-4: Mindfulness Practitioner Certificate Course: May 23 and 24; July 18 and 19; October 3 and 4

Each weekend is accompanied by a manual which summarises the material and includes home practice recommendations. The manual is emailed to participants after the weekend (a hard copy can be posted if requested). Guided practices are accessed online.  CD s of practices are available on request, for a small charge.

The weekend courses run from 10am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday. A light lunch is included in the cost.

The fee per weekend is 140 euro. A deposit of 50 euro is required when booking the Foundation course weekend and a deposit of 150 euro when booking the Certificate course of three weekends.

***Numbers on this course are limited – book early to ensure you have a place.

For more detailed information on this year-long course see http://buddhism.ie/mindfulness/

Please note that this training is an opportunity to learn about and establish a personal mindfulness practice and is not intended as a training to teach mindfulness. However it is a prerequisite for those interested in continuing towards teacher training with the Mindfulness Association.  

The MA is a member of the UK Network of Mindfulness Based Teacher Training Organisations (http://mindfulnessteachersuk.org.uk/).  All MA tutors adhere to the Good Practice Guidelines for Teachers of Mindfulness Based courses.



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