Mindfulness – an Introductory evening
- samyedzong
- Apr, 21, 2016
- No Comments
Date(s) - 21/04/2016
7:45 pm - 9:15 pm
Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin
Mindfulness – An Introductory Evening
‘Being present, responding with kindness, seeing deeply’
This introductory evening of Mindfulness with tutors from the Mindfulness Association* will include teaching as well as offering an opportunity to ask questions, with time for discussion and time to practice mindfulness together. We will learn about the attitudes and techniques in practicing Mindfulness which help us to find both space and balance in our daily lives so that we can respond to situations rather than reacting to them. This introduction will be of interest for beginners who want learn more about Mindfulness and will also be of interest for those who already practice Mindfulness and who wish to know more about the Mindfulness Association approach, which is based in compassion.
Thursday 21st April 7.45pm – 9.15pm
Suggested donation 5/10€
Facilitators: Jane Negrych and Jennifer Rylands. For tutor profiles see the website below.
For those interested in continuing with a personal training in Mindfulness:
‘A Year of Mindfulness’ is a year-long course based over four weekends. It includes practice sessions/days; meetings with tutors; reduced fee membership of the Mindfulness Association.
This training will commence with an Introductory weekend as follows:
June 18/19, at Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin (KSDD), 56 Inchicore Rd, D.8
Followed by a Certificate course over three weekends at the KSDD centre.
*The MA is a participating member of the UK Network of Mindfulness Based Teacher Training Organisations and all MA tutors adhere to the Good Practice Guidelines for Teachers (see: www.mindfulnessteachersuk.org.uk).
For further information, see ‘Ireland courses’ at www.mindfulnessassociation.net