Lhabab Duchen

Lhabab Duchen

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Date(s) - 03/11/2015
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin


LhaBab DuchenLhabab Duchen is one of the auspicious ‘Wheel Days’ in the Buddhist Calendar. It celebrates the Buddha’s descent from Tushita heaven. All actions are multiplied many times on this day – so it is a good opportunity to perform good and virtuous actions, making offerings, donations to charity etc. In Kagyu Smaye Dzong Dublin we will mark the day with a Tsok (offering) puja at 7.30pm – all are welcome to join us. Please bring offerings of food, flowers, incense and light for the Shrine – these add to the accumulation of merit. (Preparations from 6.30pm – if you can help please come early!)

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