Emotional Intelligence – with Clive Holmes (Part 1)

Emotional Intelligence – with Clive Holmes (Part 1)

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Date(s) - 12/03/2016 - 13/03/2016
11:00 am - 4:30 pm

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin


Emotions play a far greater role in our health, well-being and success that we realise. We can be quite clever but still be immature and unhappy, a stranger to our own bodies and emotions. Through the five simple core principles of emotional intelligence (which are: self-awareness, self-mastery, healthy motivation, empathy/ compassion and social/ relationship skills) we can begin to improve the quality and richness of our lives.

This course is about balancing “head and heart” and enabling us to be more mature and less stressed in our lives. We will also be developing an emotionally healthy attitude to all our experience.

The emphasis will be on simple practical guidance. A core feature will be mainstream mindfulness training as a tool to work with the roller-coaster nature of our emotions. The course is exercise and experience based: – finding out about ourselves in a safe and supportive environment.

The Course is over two weekends

The second weekend will be about developing a plan for integrating the five core principles into the participants’ lives. Manuals will be given for each weekend. These will include exercises and homework.

Weekend 1: Covering Self-Awareness and taming the “monkey mind” (self-mastery) (Weekend 2: 14th & 15th May)

Introduction to the whole subject.:

Why we need it! How we easily slip into self-deception or denial about our lives and so there is the need for true self-awareness. This leads into the next area of how to balance these three areas with each other.

Self Mastery

In a playful yet disciplined way, we begin taming the “monkey mind.” We realise that basing our lives on “mood” or “emotion” is like building on sand but the foundation of mindfulness and kindness can help us befriend and utilise our emotional potential. We will also be healing the tendency to ruminate or get caught up in the past or future, our hopes or our fears.


We train in working creatively with impermanence-not to let it alarm us but to awaken more appreciation of the moment and to develop less attachment to what we are doing. This helps us let go of tension, worry and anxiety. We learn to awaken a more flexible mind.  We also introduce a sense of meaning and direction in our lives and how to cultivate choice.

Booking for this course is essential. To book email info@buddhism.ie or call 01 4537427

Suggested donation for the weekend €35 per day (includes simple vegetarian lunch, unfortunately we cannot cater for special dietary needs)

Donations are important to the Centre as they allow us to invite and host teachers such as Clive to Dublin, and help keep the doors of the Centre open so that as many people as possible can benefit from what we offer.

Clive Holmes has been teaching meditation for the last twenty five years all over the UK, as well as in Samye Dzong centres overseas. He has completed over a year in intensive retreat and has studied in Europe and India with teachers from Burma, South East Asia, Japan and Tibet. He also has a degree in western philosophy. He is co-editor of  the books “Taming the Tiger”and “Restoring the Balance” by Choje Akong Tulku Rinpoche.  He also has an honorary appointment as Teaching Fellow in the School of Education at Aberdeen University and is involved in teaching MSc Mindfulness.

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