A Year of Mindfulness, 2015, with the Mindfulness Association, Module 3

A Year of Mindfulness, 2015, with the Mindfulness Association, Module 3

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Date(s) - 18/07/2015 - 19/07/2015
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin


Module 3: Self Acceptance

Throughout our training we are working in two areas – redirecting our attention to the present moment by using a mindfulness support, while at the same time learning to accept the diverse range of our inner experience. Part of the mindfulness practice is learning to work with strong emotions that arise and developing the capacity to ‘hold’ difficult experiences within body and mind. Identifying our reactive patterns of preference reveals how working on attitude is all important, and so, through training in acceptance we learn to acknowledge and come to terms with difficult thoughts and emotions by paying them close attention with a kind and inclusive attitude. This leads to a gradual dis-identification with the contents of our experience and shift in perspective in which we come to see that we are not our thoughts.

We use the RAIN method (recognise, allow, intimate attention and non-identification) as a way of progressively training in acceptance, and practice loving kindness as a way of bringing warmth to our inner environment. We also introduce the Self-Compassion break in which we learn to relate with a kindly and accepting attitude to difficult thoughts, feelings and emotions that arise in our daily life.

Tutors: Jennifer Rylands and Suzanne Mulqueen of the Mindfulness Association

Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th July

10am – 5pm

Cost: €140 includes simple lunch both days and home practice manual

***This module is open to those participants whom have already completed Modules 1 and 2.



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