Visit of Gelong Thubten

Visit of Gelong Thubten

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Date(s) - 04/12/2014 - 07/12/2014
12:00 am

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin


thubten_gelong_buddhist_monk_220Dear Friends,

Due to circumstances beyond our control we have had to make some changes to Thubten’s upcoming visit. The revised dates and times are below

*** Thursday 4th December – The meaning of Tibetan Buddhist prayers, pujas and rituals ***8pm – 9pm. A study of the different practices done in Tibetan Buddhist Centres, what they mean and why we do them.

***Friday 5th December – The practice of Chenrezi (part 2) 7.30pm – 9pm. A continuation of the study into the practice of Chenrezi, the practice of Compassion. Thubten will recap what was covered in Part 1, so if you missed it – don’t worry!

Each of these evening talks are suitable for all, Buddhist and non-Buddhist, beginners or long-time practitioners, and the just curious! By donation, please feel free to give whatever you can afford.

The weekend will also see the beginning of a new study course on ‘The 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva’.

Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th December 11am – 4.30pm

37-practices-coverThis traditional Buddhist text, composed by Ngulchu Thogme Zangpo, contains essential and practical instructions on the development of compassion and its application in daily life. The teachings cover the Four Ordinary Foundations, Refuge and Bodhicitta, the Six Paramitas, Tonglen practice and instructions for transforming the difficulties of life into training for spiritual growth.

Subjects include dealing with difficult relationships, forgiveness, stress and painful emotions. The text is written in a very direct style which makes it easy to understand and remember. The verses are translated into English and participants will be given copies to make the teachings easier to follow.

This text was very close to the heart of Choje Akong Rinpoche, who encouraged everyone to study it and apply its instructions.

This course will run over several months, with weekend modules. This is the first section. People are encouraged to attend, as it provides an ongoing and gradual training in practice and study.

It is not necessary to be ‘experienced’ in Buddhist practice to attend and benefit from this course. All are welcome.

If you would like to book your place on this course please contact us on 01 4537427 or by email

Suggested donation €35 per day – includes a simple lunch both days and copy of text. Bring pen and paper for note-taking!

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