Tibetan Medicine Clinic

Tibetan Medicine Clinic

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Date(s) - 23/07/2016
9:30 am - 5:00 pm

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin


Tibetan Medicine is a fully holistic system, highly esteemed throughout Asia for its subtle and accurate diagnoses and effective treatment. It focuses on treating the root cause of symptoms unique to each person and seeks to restore a healthy balance to body and mind.

Traditional Tibetan Medicine offers a truly holistic approach to your health and wellbeing. The Tibetan medical system focuses on treating the root cause of the problem as opposed to alleviating the discomfort caused by the symptoms.
It can be used alone or .in conjunction with Western medicine.
It recognises how dietary, psychological, lifestyle and environmental factors cause imbalance in the body and mind.

lobsang dhonden soktsangThe practitioner, Lobsang Dhonden Soktsang, will see you in strictest confidence. Although his English is still improving, if you speak slowly and clearly, he will be able to understand what is necessary for your consultation. If you have any doubts about this, in each of his clinics there is an assistant for the clinic of the day.


Treatment focuses on four areas: diet and behaviour, herbal medication, and external treatments.

  • Diet and Behaviour
    The doctor may suggest changes in lifestyle and diet, which are integral to treatment.
  • Herbal medication
    Will be dispensed as powder or pills.
  • External treatments
    The practitioner may also use acupuncture or moxibustion usually in short courses on consecutive days. Moxibustion uses heated herbs or warmed herbal packs on meridian points similar to those used in acupuncture.

To make an appointment to see the Dr, please call 01 4537427 or email info@buddhism.ie


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