The Buddhist Path of Mindfulness, with Gelong Thubten – Part 3

The Buddhist Path of Mindfulness, with Gelong Thubten – Part 3

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Date(s) - 25/06/2016 - 26/06/2016
11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin


This the final weekend of three offering training in Buddhist Mindfulness.

This will be training in mindfulness according to the Buddha’s teaching: The Four Establishments of Mindfulness Sutra. The four are body, feelings, mind and dharmas.

Instruction will be given in both the theory and the practice, with special advice on how to bring mindfulness into daily life and how to deal with obstacles and emotions.

The course is suitable for people of all levels, and may be of interest to those who have already some training in mindfulness and now wish to explore  its Buddhist roots.

This course takes place over three weekends, 20 & 21 February, 16 & 17 April, 25 & 26 June, 11am  – 4pm. The main benefit will be in attending all three weekends, but it possible to attend any or all.

Early booking is highly recommended, to reserve your place please email or call 01 4537427.

Suggested donation €35 per day, includes simple vegetarian lunch both days. Donations are very important to the Centre as they allow us to invite teachers such as Thubten to Dublin, and to keep the doors of the Centre open, allowing as many people as possible to benefit.

Gelong Thubten has been a monk since 1993, and for many years served as Akong Tulku Rinpoche’s secretary and assistant, as well as giving courses at Samye Ling and the Samye Dzong centres.

In his early years as a monk he completed 200 pairs of the Nyung Ney fasting practice in retreat, and more recently he completed a four year retreat and a one year retreat at Samye Ling’s long term retreat centre on Arran.

His work also involves teaching meditation in organisations such as companies, hospitals, schools, prisons and the social services. He in great demand and currently teaches in Google headquaters in Dublin as well as other large corporations and is also leading a project in NUI Galway, creating the first ‘mindful campus’.

Thubten is director of Kagyu Samye Dzong Scarborough and a trustee of ROKPA Switzerland.

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