Visit of Rob Nairn 16 – 20 July 2014

Visit of Rob Nairn 16 – 20 July 2014

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Date(s) - 16/07/2014 - 20/07/2014
12:00 am

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin


Rob Nairn is one of the world pioneers in presenting Buddhist philosopy and practice in a way that is accessible to the Western mind. In 1980 he resigned as Professor of Criminology at the University of Cape Town to commit full-time to the spiritual path. His training in psychology and Buddhism – including a 4 year enclosed retreat at Samye Ling – enables him to translate Eastern wisdom into concepts we can understand and apply to our daily lives. He is the author of several books including ‘Living, Dreaming, Dying‘, ‘Diamond Mind‘ and ‘Tranquil Mind‘. He has also developed a secular training in Mindfulness which includes teachings in Western psychological language that provide a context for understanding what is happening in our minds as we practice and for working with obstacles as they arise.

During his long-awaited visit to Dublin, Rob will give a series of talks on Compassion and Insight.

***Early booking is recommended for these talks – contact us by email or by phone 01 4537427 to book your place***.

“Compassion towards oneself and others has a profound impact on our minds, health, happiness and those we relate to”

Compassion (Part 1) Wednesday 16th July 7.30pm – 9.00pm

Compassion (Part 2) Thursday 17th July 7.30pm – 9.00pm

Suggested donation €12 (please do not let finances be an obstacle)

“It all comes down to our moment by moment perception of what arises as to whether we suffer or wake up and become free” Through insight training we learn to deepen our understanding by exploring the roots of our experience and what drives us, exploring the different levels of mind and how to gain access to the ‘subliminal level’, since this is where the conditioned reflexes that drive our reactions are located.

Introduction to Insight Friday 18th July 7.30pm – 9.00pm

Suggested donation €12 (please do not let finances be an obstacle)

Insight Training with insight exercises

Saturday 19th July 11am – 4.30pm

Sunday 20th July 11am – 4.30pm

Suggested donation €35 per day including simple vegetarian lunch (please do not let finances be an obstacle)


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