Samadhi – Finding Inner Balance, with Alistair Appleton

Samadhi – Finding Inner Balance, with Alistair Appleton

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Date(s) - 31/10/2015 - 01/11/2015
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin


Alistair is returning to Dublin to teach a meditative practice that is often overshadowed by its more fashionable sister, Mindfulness.

Samadhi is a highly prized meditative technique sometimes translated as absorption or composure practice. Using an ever-increasing sense of inner space, this daily practice can connect us to a stable and expansive sense of self which is better able to survive the onslaughts of our hyper-active and super-stimulating world.

The weekend will be looking at the Buddhist theory behind the practice as well as the contemporary neurological and physiological underpinnings. Alistair’s relaxed and informative style avoids too much jargon but allows participants to try things out with space to discuss any problems and iron out any difficulties.

Based on a profound experience of the body and the breath, samadhi can open up experiences of bliss and profound inner balance that have lasting benefit on our lives.

Saturday 31 October & Sunday 1st November 10am – 5pm

Course costs: €120 (concession rate for students and unwaged €80) includes simple lunch both days

Numbers on this course are limited – Booking essential.

For booking please use the following link:

For more information about Alistair click here:

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