‘Karma’, the 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva with Gelong Thubten

‘Karma’, the 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva with Gelong Thubten

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Date(s) - 16/05/2015 - 17/05/2015
11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin


37-practices-coverThis weekend will focus on the theme of ‘Karma, cause and effect’, as described in the traditional Tibetan text ‘The 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva’ by Ngulchu Thogme Zangpo. The verses contain essential and practical instructions for the development of compassion and its application into daily life, how to turn the difficulties of life into training for spiritual growth. The basis for the text is the practice of Chenrezi, the embodiment of compassion.

This weekend is part of an ongoing study course into the text, but it is possible to attend even if you have missed the previous weekends. Each weekend is a complete teaching in itself and therefore hugely beneficial. Following the course also provides an ongoing and gradual training in practice and study, with suggestions for practice and contemplation given at each weekend.

Weekend dates:

Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th May

Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th July

Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th September

Saturay 14th & Sunday 15th November

Course times: 11am – 4pm both days

Suggested donation €35 per day, includes simple lunch both days and copy of text to keep and study

Booking recommended

***Donations from courses help keep the Centre running and allow us to bring such wonderful teachers as Thubten to Dublin. If finances are a genuine obstacle please give what you can afford.***

thubten_gelong_buddhist_monk_220This year long course is being taught by Gelong Thubten, a life-ordained Buddhist monk in the Kagyu tradition. During his time as a monk he has completed over 200 pairs of Nyung Ney (Buddhist Fasting practice), and more recently a 4 year and 1 year retreat on Arran, off the coast of Scotland. He was also the personal assistant to Akong Rinpoche, travelling with him for many years before his tragic death in 2013. Thubten has many years experience of the practice and teaching of the Dharma, and also teaches in many different organisations such as companies, schools, prisons and the NHS.

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